Healthcare is a system to diagnose, treat and manage mental and physical illnesses, diseases and health related issues in humans. Access to healthcare facilities in different countries depends upon the socio-economic conditions of that country. Also the policies and jurisdictions of different countries vary with respect to the population and budget plan provided by the government. According World Health Organization a high-quality healthcare system requires strong financial support, fully trained workers, authentic information for decision making and well equipped health facilities to deliver satisfactory medical treatment.
Health care delivery system can be categorized into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary healthcare system.
Primary Healthcare refers to the class of health professionals who are considered top of the list for checkups and treatment. General Physicians and Family doctors came under the category of primary health care.
Secondary Healthcare includes the category of health professionals who do not have direct contact with the patient. For example, urologist, cardiologist, dermatologist etc.
Tertiary Healthcare includes specialized healthcare unit referred to the patient by primary or secondary healthcare professionals
Every country faces the challenges of healthcare, and those lies in Asia Pacific are not an exception. For countries like Cambodia, the challenges are about improving the access to basic health conditions and solving the problems of poverty. However the extent of issues varies for developed countries like Korea and Japan. The challenges faced by these countries vary from controlling the increasing level of diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer cases to health care of the over aged population.
Between high and low income countries lay middle income countries like Indonesia and China. These countries are facing double problems. The problem of health maintenance and ageing are approaching before the matter of poverty have been fully solved, and before the income level have gone up to match the resources available in developed nations.
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