• Cloud Platforms

    Cloud computing is an emerging field in which applications are delivered over the internet as services and as per the demand of the users. These services are the set of hardware and software that are deployed in the data center by the service providers. One of the main characteristics of the cloud services is that these services are provided to users in pay-as-you-go manner. Generally there are three types of cloud networks that are Public Cloud,Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud.

    Generally cloud computing refers to the combination of Software as a Service (SaaS) and utility computing. Therefore, if the service demand is highly variable because of the peak hour or due to some critical failure, then utility computing should be the top choice over the private cloud as it makes sure the high utilization of the resources.

    There are several business models that varies with respect to the services that they offer and every layer is implemented as a service to the layer above. These models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). Examples of IaaS providers that offer on-demand VMs are Amazon EC2, GoGrid and Flexiscale. PaaS provides OS support and application frameworks e.g. Google App Engine and Microsoft Azure. SaaS provides on-demand applications over internet and the examples are SalesForce.com and Rackspace.

    We are offering custom solutions and applications for almost all popular cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, HP Cloud, Windows Azure, Oracle Open Nimbula and Salesforce1 and Heroku1 by Salesforce. Our efficient and user friendly solutions also come with technical and user documentation so that users can easily know and adapt the newly made application. You can also count on us for customers’ convenience because it’s the customers only that can make a business profitable.