• Enterprise Application Integration

    Enterprise application integration (EAI) is a combined process of technologies and services that works as an integration framework to form a middleware that enables the integration of systems and applications in an enterprise. It includes several methods, and tools that are used forcoordinating and consolidating, the computer applications across an enterprise.

    Intercommunication between the different software modules is not possible generally. For example, ERP systems and supply chain management applications are unable to communicate to share data, same is the case with business intelligence applications, payroll and human resources systems. Due to this reason these applications are referred to as information silos. To overcome this issue, we are Enterprise application integration services that let these applications to share data and business rules with each other. These services provide regular communication between the applications to overcome any inefficiencies because of the same data stored in the multiple sources.

    Actually enterprise application integration is a process in which our goal is to achieve the simplicity among such applications by linking them within a single organization. This also helps to achieve automate business processes as there is no longer need of sweeping changes to the data structures of the existing application. This linking can be possible either at the backend that usually involves the database or the font-end which is a GUI approach.

    Our expert team coordinates with the organizations to develop solutions with the automatic interaction ability among the applications, databases and mainframes to route and transform data having no compatibility issues with any applications in the enterprise system. We are offering state of the art solutions to utilize the technologies like Java and XML that are considers as the industry-standard technologies. Our enterprise application integration team makes sure this integration done smoothly and during this process, all the applications run without any issues.